Privacy Policy

In accordance with Law 15/1999 on Personal Data and Law 34/2002 of Information Society (LSSICE), we inform you that:

There are different ways that your personal or commercial data to pass to our file and therefore different purposes and uses of their data in the future, with your permission:

Newsletter subscription: By registering on the website you'll be subscribed to our newsletters and order will give any information about UNTAMED WORLD S.L. (promotions, discounts, new products and special offers, corporate information, ...), hereinafter GENERAL INFORMATION.

Contact Form or Inquiry: If consent before sending the query or contact form your data will be part of our file in order to send the information requested.

REGISTRATION: If you give your consent before sending the user registration form your data will be part of our file and will identify the purpose in coming through access codes assigned and give general information about UNTAMED WORLD S.L.

At any time you can contact at to rectify their preferences for receiving information or a desire not to receive any information, or change your personal details, shipping address information, etc.

The unsubscribe to receive general information or of any kind is always automatically from any communication received from the user's private area or sending a mail to The subscription can always be made directly inserting the mail box subscription or sending an e-mail to

Shipments of e-mail or postal to changes in data, identification require high or low.

The enjoyment of a Registered User will always require the inclusion of your data in our files, with the priority aim of identifying with their personal access codes, consent to receive GENERAL INFORMATION OR OTHER be your choice.

Por tanto :

Si se ha registrado y/o se ha suscrito o ha dado su consentimiento en alguno de los formularios de contacto existentes en:, sus datos pasaran a formar parte de un fichero automatizado propiedad de Untamed S.L con la finalidad de identificarle en el caso del registro como usuario, mantenerle informado en caso de suscripción y enviarle información comercial de Untamed S.L. En cualquier caso, y siempre que haya dado su conformidad para recibir este tipo de información. Usted tiene derecho a acceder a este fichero para información, rectificación o, en su caso, cancelación de sus datos cuando así lo desee.

Si sus datos han sido recogidos para la utilización de algún servicio de información que no requiera registro o suscripción y no ha dado su consentimiento para recibir información futura de promociones y noticias de Untamed S.L estos serán eliminados una vez resuelta la consulta o información solicitada, es decir, no serán guardados en nuestra Base de datos.


If you have registered and / or subscribed or have given their consent to any of the existing forms contact:, your data will become part of an automated file owned by UNTAMED WORLD S.L. in order of identifying in the case of registration as a user, I keep you informed in case of subscription and to send commercial information UNTAMED WORLD S.L. In any case, provided that he has been agreed to receive such information. You are entitled to access to this file for information, correction or, where appropriate, cancel your data whenever you want.

If your data has been collected for the use of any information service that does not require registration or subscription and has not consented to receive future information about promotions and news UNTAMED WORLD S.L. these will be eliminated once we have questions or information requested is ie will not be saved in our database.